About Bembereza School
BEMBEREZA English Medium Pre and Primary School is located at Rubya village, near Rubya Hospital, in Ijumbi ward, Muleba District, about 102 km from Bukoba, which is the Capital city of the Kagera Region. The two wards of Ijumbi and Kashasha in which Bembereza school serves, have a population of 23,071 out of which 11,215 are females and 11,856 are males (2012 census). The school has an area of 5,556.6 sq. meters of which only 40% have been utilized for existing buildings and other infrastructure. The school is owned and run by KADETFU (Kagera Development and Credit Revolving Fund), a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) based in Kagera region.
KADETFU established this school in 2002 mainly to support orphans and vulnerable children to get a quality education like other children who are non-orphans. Historically, the children from good wealthy families are taken far from their homestead to get quality education, but the orphans and children from poor families have no help to get such education. Therefore, the Bembereza school was established to cater for that.
To date Bembereza school has 172 pupils (male 82, female 90), among them 68 are orphans who cannot pay for their school needs. Therefore, KADETFU as the owner and the school administration are committed to look for financial support for further construction of the school in order to sustain these orphans. ECLAT is equally grateful to the donors in Germany for the vast and continued support to the improvement of the education status in Tanzania at large. This support goes a long way in ensuring children access quality education. The Bembereza School project involved the construction and finalization of school infrastructures. The project activities were realized in two phases which enabled ECLAT, KADETFU and upendo to implement this project step by step. Phase 1 had the following activities: construction of two classrooms, a toilet block with six latrines and completion of girl’s dormitory. Phase 2 facilitated the availability of water at the school by drilling a borehole, construction of a water tower and installation of a water distribution network. The Bembereza Primary School project started on 14 April 2021 and finished on 25 October 2021
This completion report explains the areas funded and how the funds received assisted in achieving the desired goal of improving and expanding Bembereza Primary School at Rubya village.
Detailed completion report Download it here