Kagera Development and Credit Revolving Fund (KADETFU) is a national Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) based in the Kagera region of Tanzania. Our organization is headquartered in Bukoba Town, located in the northwestern part of the country. KADETFU was officially registered on July 30, 1993, under the Trustees Incorporation Ordinance Cap No. 375 of 1956, with registration number ADG/TI/2058. In compliance with the new NGO Act of 2004, KADETFU obtained a Certificate of Compliance (CoC) No. 1596 on March 13, 2006.
Our main office is located in Bukoba Municipality along Kawawa Street, within the Ujirani Mwema Building. Additionally, we operate a field office in Muleba District at the Rubya Resource Center, near Rubya Hospital, and a satellite office in Bunda Town, Bunda District, Mara Region.
For more detailed information about KADETFU's activities and impact, please refer to the KADETFU Profile 2021.