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"An environmental friendly, healthy, prosperous, and just society"; is KADETFU's vision that focus on sustainability of the present and future generation. However, this vision cannot be realized unless collaborative efforts are made among the three pillars of sustainable development. i.e. The Government, CSOs and the Private sector.

On the global context, various international initiatives have been sought to positively impact the lives of the poor in developing countries. The landmark and a trigger of these initiatives is the Earth Summit that was held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and created a concept known as "Sustainable development". At the same summit however, world leaders committed themselves to the realization that the Earth's ability to meet the needs of its growing population is finite and that the steps must be taken to conserve our resources for future generations.


Subsequently, various summits followed at different time and contexts, the most popular of today's concern;  being the Millennium Summit in 2000; that  revealed the "Millennium Development  Goals" (MDGs) with an ambitious agenda of cutting global poverty in half by 2015.

KADETFU is therefore striving to realize its vision through focusing on MDG 7 (Ensure Environmental sustainability) and its relation to MDG 1 (Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger); the two that are the " crosscutting" to the other goals. KADETFU feels essential to implement these two goals through the scope of sustainable development; promotion of the economy, and protection of environmental quality, and since natural resources conservation is a human right, social equity is paramount. 

Being a winner of the "LAKE VICTORIA ENVIRONMENTAL AWARD 2006"; it is a testimony that our initiatives are on the triumph truck. The UNHABITAT and LAVRLAC, who recognized our efforts and thus awarded us for the same, have motivated our ambition and therefore give us courage to prosper. On our side, KADETFU, as an organization; we shall make whatever possible to maintain this credibility of being a credible organization in Tanzania and beyond.  
Nevertheless, KADETFU strongly believe that; "truly, the issues we are aiming at to address will never be made a history unless collaborative measures are made". In this context, we urge for all partners being the Government at all levels, our counterpart CSOs, the Private sector and all development partners to give us a hand in order to realize our vision.  You are all therefore; most welcome to join us in this struggle.

Yusto P. Muchuruza (Mr.)
December 31, 2007


Vision Statement

We envisage a friendly environment and a healthy, prosperous, and just society that is committed to solution of its problems independently and sustainably.

Mission Statement

KADETFU is committed to protect human rights, conserve the environment, facilitate promotion of social, economic, cultural development and empower the society.


Economic promotion by enhancing income opportunities to ensure food availability at household level in urban and rural areas through improving community capacities and research.