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+255 754 740267

Working Hours

Mon - Fri 8.00 - 15.00

The past and current programmes include:

(i) Jali Watoto Initiative and Anti-stigma campaign
Delivery of essential services to the Orphans and Most Vulnerable Children (OMVC) in Bukoba District with support from USAID/Pact Tanzania.

(ii) Promoting the economy of fishers´ communities:
Promoting fishers´ and fisher communities´ economy by restoring the degraded lake environment that in turn will support and improve their livelihood in a sustainable way’.

  Nile perch provides income for fishers
   Nile perch provides income for fishers

(iii) Promoting farmers economy
Promoting sustainable agriculture for sustainable livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Kagera Region’ through training in organic farming, and natural resource management, study visits on and out the country, provision of credit as a capital base and diversification of farm crops e.g. introduction of upland rice for poverty reduction and food security. (Supported by CORDAID and VPO, Tanzania.

 Kyonge landing site
   Kyonge landing site

(iv) Community capacity building
Establishment and provision of micro-credit for income generation activities, community capacity building in entrepreneurial skills and study visits

farmers on site training
On site training for farmers

(v) Capacity Building of Local Governance Actors (CBLGA)
To contribute to poverty reduction and improved well-being of the population through increased social services provision at the local level. The programme seeks to achieve this goal by strengthening local governance, including improved public planning, budgeting and accountability, and financial viability of LGAs, Private Sector and Civil Society organizations through capacity building and promotion of inter-linkages between these actors and emerging national initiatives. Supported by SNV.

(vi) Sustainable Agro-Ecosystem Management and Utilization of Natural Resources in The Lake Victoria Basin.
To restore a healthy, varied ecosystem that is inherently stable and to support, in a sustainable way, the increasing activities on the land through economic empowerment of the smallholder farmers´ communities and the whole nation. This is being achieved through; Awareness creation on environmental conservation initiatives along the wetlands and other water sources, Wetland conservation through maintaining natural regeneration and rehabilitation of the cleared vegetation cover, Reduce the drudgery on women of walking long distances for water fetching and ensure qualitatively and quantitatively clean water availability at household level by making optimal use of rain water harvesting

ECOSAN TOILETS: A solution for protecting water pollution
ECOSAN TOILETS: A solution for protecting water pollution

(vii) Sustainable utilization of biodiversity
To improve the livelihood of the communities of Bukoba and Muleba Districts through and environmental conservation; afforestation, environmental education and gender mainstreaming in environmental conservation initiatives.

(vii) Access to Market Programme
With support from CORDAID/STOAS CBDIF Africa Foundation, KADETFU is undertaking AtM programme that aims at linking producers (Farmers, Fishers and other entrepreneurs to reliable markets for their produce. Under this programme, the emphasis is put on value chain and market chain initiatives that forced the producer to produce according to the requirements of consumers/customers/clients.

Vision Statement

We envisage a friendly environment and a healthy, prosperous, and just society that is committed to solution of its problems independently and sustainably.

Mission Statement

KADETFU is committed to protect human rights, conserve the environment, facilitate promotion of social, economic, cultural development and empower the society.


Economic promotion by enhancing income opportunities to ensure food availability at household level in urban and rural areas through improving community capacities and research.